David Sinclair and his Acorn Solicitors team are in training to run the gruelling 12-mile charity extreme mud marathon obstacle race, Tough Mudder dubbed ‘extreme hell’ and designed by British Armed Forces to test mental and physical strength, determination and ‘grit’.
David, 38, is running it to help thousands of elderly people via Age UK Somerset.
David said: “As part of the community we are passionate about helping people who are in it. We all think we must be mad to run this race but it is all for a great cause which will keep us going.”
Acorn is one of Britain’s biggest charity giving businesses for its size, raising and donating well over £50000 in the last 7 years.
Age UK Somerset is a great local charity providing much needed support for the older and vulnerable members of our community, our aim for putting ourselves through Tough Mudder is to raise at least £1000 for the charity.
Tough Mudder includes such elements as “Arctic Enema” which is an icy plunge updated to include a high speed entry slide and centre wall you must duck under to escape 10 tonnes of ice jammed into a frigid skip dive.
Then the “Electroshock Therapy” is the final short, muddy sprint in a field of dangling wires delivering a punch at 10,000 volts.
The race takes place in Gloucestershire in August and the team will be training for the next six months.
To sponsor Acorn Solicitors visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/AcornSolicitors
To track the team’s progress as they train for the race you can visit and ‘like’ their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AcornSolicitors/
Or follow them on Twitter @acornofficial1