Professional Executors & Trustees

It can be difficult finding Executors or Trustees who you can trust. At Acorn Solicitors we are professional executors and trustees to many of our clients.

Trusted Advisers – It is sometimes difficult to find someone you trust to become an Executor of your Will or a Trustee. On top of this, it can be difficult to find someone who is willing to take on this role and who is independent of your family and friends.

Expertise – Being an Executor or Trustee is not an easy job and can be a daunting, time consuming prospect. Especially when the Will is not straightforward, or there are family tensions making the duties onerous. At Acorn, the Partners offer a Professional Executor and Trustee service whereby we take on the role as your Executors or Trustees. This effectively removes the stress for your loved ones. David and Jill are experts with years of experience in Probate, Wills & Trusts, and are Executors for many clients.

Affordable – Using a professional service for Probate can be seen as an expensive option. However, we aim to provide our clients with fixed fees and a clear idea of all the costs that will be involved.

Case Studies

Examples of where we have acted as professional Executors and Trustees:
  • A  retired company director from Taunton asked us to be his Executors. In his Will he divided his estate between children and grandchildren. We also currently act as ongoing Trustees for a trust which was set up under his Will.
  • Jointly with family members, we were appointed as  Executors and Trustees of a large estate for a client who lived in Street. His estate was divided between family, friends and charity. 
  • The Court of Protection appointed us to act as Executors and Trustees under a Statutory Will for a lady who lived in Taunton but who had lost her mental capacity.
  • We were appointed to deal with an estate of a man who lived on his own and who had divided his estate between charities and friends.